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LETRS Information for Administrators and Teachers

  1. The schedule for the first in-person LETRS session for administrators is here!! You can register through MIDAS (see LETRS Information web page if you have questions about your MIDAS account). Use #60389 to register for the course. Here is a link to the schedule:
  2. Here is an update from USBE: Please make sure your teachers understand the following:

If a participant logged into MIDAS and only put the LETRS session in their cart, they have not checked out and therefore have not registered. Please remind teachers, coaches, and leaders that MIDAS is similar to the grocery store, and they must officially check out in order to be registered. If a participant is not registered in MIDAS, they won’t receive credit for completion/attendance, and therefore will not have proof of attending.

The links to the session cannot be shared, again for the reasons stated above, plus the courses cannot go over 40 participants or people will get kicked out during the session. Participants need to be logged in on their own device in order to receive additional resources in the chat box, ask questions, participate in engagement activities and discussions, and be marked for attendance. People cannot be sitting beside someone to “attend”. If a participant needs support logging in/checking out in MIDAS, please contact 801-538-7807 or

Participants can only enroll in 1 session for each unit. If you have educators who have enrolled in multiple sessions, please have them unenroll in the sessions they won’t be attending so others who are waiting for a spot to open can register.

Please be sure the employment tab is updated in MIDAS so that your current district/charter is accurate. For support, you may need to contact the MIDAS helpline - 801-538-7807 or

Additional units and sessions will be added to MIDAS as quickly as the company can schedule national trainers.

3.  Please encourage your teachers (and yourselves) to visit the LETRS Information web page often, as that is the way we can           communicate and keep everyone updated with all things LETRS.

4.  Thank you for all you are doing!! Being an administrator can be overwhelming!! Thanks for hanging in there and supporting         your teachers in supporting Jordan District’s goals. Together, we ARE making a positive difference for the kids we serve!!

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