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2021-22 JPAS Lite

For the 2021-2022 academic year, adjustments have been made to the interview requirements for the UETS-based JPAS educator full evaluation. The interview will consist of a review of stakeholder input and student growth performance.  All other interview evidence is waived.

Teachers will be required to upload their evidence for the student growth and stakeholder input directly into the Perform system under the evidence tab.

  • Stakeholder input could include
    • Prior year’s climate survey
    • Current year emails and descriptive phone logs
  • Student Growth Performance Form (Attached)
    • Utah State Core Standard
    • Pre- and post-assessment
    • Growth target and data to support evidence of student growth

Special educators will also be required to complete a file review and provide three IEP checklists as part of their full evaluation.

Specialized subgroups (teacher specialists, counselors, social workers, media, etc.) will be completed on Perform with all required evidence uploaded into the system.  School psychologists will gather required evidence to be reviewed with the evaluator.

Interim Evaluations
All educators on an interim will be required to upload the Student Growth Performance Form and stakeholder input directly into Perform under the evidence tab.

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