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August 10, 2021 District PD Day Overview for Principals

Access the schedule and the ZOOM link from the Canvas Elementary JELL Course

(If you are new to the course, it will direct you to self-enroll.)


8:30     Superintendent’s Welcome Message
9:00     Cultural Diversity Video & Discussion

9:30  - - BREAK - -

9:45     How Does It All Fit Together, Part 1

  • This session will review the journey we have been on as a district over the past year and help teachers understand how the new literacy implementation fits into that work.
  • This session will include multiple opportunities for collaboration and school discussions. Principals should plan to be actively participating throughout the session.
  • Some of the topics of this session include:
    • The JELL Instructional Cycle
    • Review Core Standards
    • Identify/Review Power Standards
    • Using Data To Drive instruction
    • Creating Learning Scales
    • Literacy Launch

11:30 - - LUNCH - -

12:30     How Does It All Fit Together, Part 2

  • During this session, schools will map out the vision for your successful implementation of the new literacy tools. Using a familiar process, your faculty will create a framework that will help you set measurable goals throughout the year.
  • Some of the topics of this session include:
    • The JELL Instructional Cycle
    • Creating Learning Scales
    • Literacy Launch

1:30     Planning for Success

Schools can choose one of the following options:

  • OPTION 1
    • Schools continue together in a live session. This session will review the power of planning for success, teach the “What” and “Why” of a 60 day plan, and guide your faculty through the creation of your first plan of the year.
    • This is a great option for schools who feel their faculty can benefit from a strong discussion about setting goals with actionable steps, as well as any schools who may have struggled to stick to their plans last year.
    • Principals will share their school’s new 60 Day Plan with their AOS and save it in their school’s folder.
  • OPTION 2
    • Principals can use this time to direct their faculty in a discussion about their past plans and create their first plan for the new school year.
    • This is a great option for schools who have a clear plan already in place and could use this time to engage their faculty in discussions that are more specific to their goals.
    • Principals will share their school’s new 60 Day Plan with their AOS and save it in their school’s folder.
    • Please note that this is not an opportunity for schools to finish early.

**Principals should pay close attention to the conversations and discussions throughout the day in order to create a plan that addresses the needs of your school. Your goal is to clearly identify where your school is at in the process and then guide your faculty to create a time bound plan with incremental action steps that will move you closer to where you want to be.

Principal TO DO List:

“Selecting Power Standards” Spreadsheet

  • Make sure you know where your school’s copy of the “Selecting Power Standards” Spreadsheet is located in your Google Drive. (You may need to share this with teachers who are new to your school.)
  • Click HERE
  • (Links to an external site.)
  • if you need a blank copy to remind you which form this is.
  • Please share your Power Standards with T&L (Ronna Hoffman).

60 Day Plans

  • Review your past 60 day plans prior to the PD Day. This will prepare you to celebrate the achievements your faculty made last year, and help you get ready to create your first 60 day plan this year.
  • Plans should be shared with your AOS and saved to your school’s planning folder.
  • Click HERE
  • (Links to an external site.)
  • if you need a blank copy to remind you which form this is.

JELL Meetings -- Details coming

  • October 7; October 12
  • January 17
  • February 10
  • March 1
  • April 5; April 12
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