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Acadience Reading and Math Training for Building Coaches 2021-22

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Elementary School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Acadience Reading and Acadience Math Canvas Training for Coaches and Teachers

As has been noted in previous JAM memos, the district assessment team will be administering the newly required Acadience Math individual measures in kindergarten and first grade for every school. Both Acadience Math and Acadience Reading will be administered at the same time on the same testing day(s) for each school.

While we have been able to recruit enough assessment assistants comparable to pre-pandemic numbers, we still don’t have enough assessment assistants to administer both the reading and math assessments in the same time period. For this reason, we will once again need the help of building instructional coaches. In order to get them trained on the Acadience Math assessment in a timely manner, elementary school administrators are asked to forward the following training information to their building coach:

Acadience Reading and Math Asynchronous Trainings
We appreciate the priceless assistance coaches offered the assessment team in helping us complete Acadience Reading testing in schools last year. We will once again need help from coaches to complete both Acadience Reading and Acadience Math (new mandate from the state) testing this year.

Acadience Math Training
Acadience Math asynchronous trainings are now available in Canvas. Coaches may access the course using the link below and should enroll in both the kindergarten and first grade modules. Upon completion of the grade level module, participants can complete a form and receive a certificate of completion for that module. This training will need to be completed by the coach prior to the assigned day that district assessment assistants will come to your school to administer the Acadience Reading and Math measures.

Coaches may access the Acadience Math Canvas course here:

After completing the Acadience Math Canvas course, if coaches feel that they need more practice, Evaluation, Research & Accountability will be holding practice sessions with district assessment assistants on Tuesday, August 17th any time between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm in PDC 101, 102, and 103.

Acadience Reading Training
Acadience Reading asynchronous trainings are also available in Canvas. Those who are new to coaching this year will also need to enroll in and complete this course before assessment assistants come to test on your school’s assigned testing day(s).

Coaches may access the Acadience Reading Canvas course here:

Please contact Ben Jameson (801-567-8243 or or Shannon Johnson (801-567-8873 or with any questions.


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