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2021-22 Elementary Calendar Alignment to Quarters

Elementary Principals:

The following message is being sent to all elementary personnel:

Calendar Alignment to Quarters

We hope you’re enjoying your summer and getting some much needed and deserved rest. In preparation for the 2021-2022 school year, we wanted to make you aware of a couple of items.  As you know, Jordan School District will no longer have any year-round schools this fall. As a result, it becomes possible to align calendars at all levels to provide clarity and consistency for families and employees.  In order to accomplish this, elementary schools will be adjusting from a trimester to a quarter calendar. We will continue to have parent teacher conferences twice a year at approximately the end of first and third quarter. An updated 2021-2022 calendar is available on the district website. More details will be provided at the beginning of the school year.

Thank you for your dedicated work on behalf of students.


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