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Summer School Update

Instructions for Summer School Summary

Please follow the steps below to complete required reporting documentation for summer school.

    1. Record all teachers participating in summer school on your school’s ESSER II worksheet tab called “Summer School Timesheet - Licensed.”
    2. Record all assistants, office help, etc.  (ESPs) participating in summer school on your school’s ESSER II worksheet tab called “Summer School Timesheet  -  ESP.”
    3. Record a summary of summer school results on your school’s ESSER II worksheet on “Credit Recovery Form,” “Pre/Post Form,” OR create your own form.
  • Secondary schools include, at minimum, the number of students served and the number of recovered credits. 
  • Elementary schools include, at minimum, the number of students served and a summary of results (assessment scores, pre/post test, lesson completion, etc.)
    1. Record the name of your ESSER personnel on your school’s ESSER II worksheet tab called “ESSER Personnel.”: 
  • High Schools: 1 FTE for a tracker
  • Middle Schools: 0.25 FTE for a tracker
  • Elementary Schools: 25-hour assistant for intervention support 

More detailed instructions, if needed.

  • Worksheets are located in a folder labeled “School Name ESSER II” 
  • Open Google Drive and Search in Drive for “ESSER.”
  • Open “School Name ESSER II Worksheets.” 
  • Use the bottom tabs to open the appropriate spreadsheet
    • Record participating teachers  on “Summer School Timesheet-License” tab.
      • If teachers have completed their own timesheets OR have used True Time, fill in Location and First and Last Name
      • If you’re printing this timesheet to turn into payroll, fill in all highlighted areas, print, sign, and turn into payroll.
    • Record participating ESP on  “Summer School  Timesheet - ESP” tab.
      • Fill in Location and First and Last Name. (All ESP should use TrueTime to track hours worked.) 
    • Record a summary of summer school results on “Credit Recovery Report Form” tab or Pre/Post Report Form” tab or create your own tab.
    • Record ESSER Personnel on “ESSER Personnel” tab.

Please feel free to call Shelley Nordick with any questions (ext 88122).

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