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Lexia Transfer for Online Students Moving to In-Person Classes

We have worked collaboratively with USBE and Lexia to ensure that individual schools don’t risk losing access to the Lexia grant because of online students who do not complete the required minutes each week. In order to do this, the following is required. 

  1. Created a “Jordan Online Elementary” in Lexia as a separate school and enrolled all online teachers and online students in this school within Lexia. 
  2. As students move back to in person classes from online classes, we will keep these students enrolled in the "Jordan Online Elementary" but will add them to the new in-person teacher's classroom.  This will keep the student minutes with the online school, so that they don't impact the school's ability to continue to receive the grant.  The teacher should be able to see and do all they need to with the students, and students will log in just as they always have.  However, other school staff beyond the classroom teacher will not be able to view or make changes to these students.  If any other staff needs to see or access these students for any reason, please contact Mandy Thurman.
  3. We have automatically moved all the students that were online that we were told were moving back to in person.  If a teacher is missing a student from their class, please contact Mandy Thurman. 
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