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District Chromebooks Available on Short-Term Basis for Students in Quarantine

The District ordered and has now received 1,000 Chromebooks for the purpose loaning these Chromebooks out to schools for short-term needs. Primarily the purpose of the short-term loan of the Chromebooks is for students in quarantine to use when the school does not have sufficient numbers for quarantined student use.

If your school has such a need for a temporary short-term use of additional Chromebooks, please call Mark Sowa at 801.567.8392 (x88392) to make arrangements. With only 1,000 Chromebooks to loan out, it is imperative that every school return the loaned Chromebooks as soon as possible with the intent of not being out longer than one month so we can assist other schools experiencing temporary increases in demand due to quarantines. Any device not returned will need to be reimbursed to the loaner program.

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