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ARTS, Inc. Survey 2020-21 – Your Feedback is Needed!


ARTS, Inc., now in its fifty-ninth year of operation, was founded in 1961 and has provided performances in all forty-one school districts in Utah, reaching more than 250 schools each year with professional arts and education programming. Jordan District elementary audiences have enjoyed performances by Sounding Brass, Tunes and Tales Trio, and Vocal Dimension, to mention just a few of the artists in their roster.

This year, while striving to keep everyone safe and while maintaining the importance of a live performance, they would like to do two 20-minute live-stream performances per school (one for upper grades and one for lower grades). The performances would be scheduled as they have been in the past, but schools would be provided with a link for them to log on when it is time for their "assembly".

In order to facilitate the planning process for this year's ARTS, Inc. performances, please take a moment to answer the questions in this survey.

Norm Emerson

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