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Really Great Reading Phonics Program 2020-21

August 26, 2020

Elementary Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Michelle Lovell, Elementary Language Arts Consultant

Really Great Reading Phonics Program

As you are aware, a phonics supplement from Really Great Reading is being offered to teachers this year in grades K-2. We understand the circumstances surrounding this year and want to make sure teachers understand that this is being offered, but not required at this time. Any teacher, group of teachers, or school has the option to receive the program this year. There will be other opportunities to adopt the program in the future.

The teachers who have requested the program this year should have received a training link through email. All of the training for the program is done online. The kindergarten program is called Countdown, the first-grade program is called Blast, and the second-grade program is called HD Word. Teachers will only need to do the training for their grade level. The coaches will have links to all three levels of training. The teacher and student materials are in the ordering process and we are hopeful that they will arrive within the next couple of weeks. The materials will be delivered directly to the schools. Once the teachers receive their materials they can begin implementation. Coaches will receive additional information about the program in their district coaching meeting so they will be prepared to support teachers. If you have additional questions, please contact Michelle Lovell.

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