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Chemicals in Schools and Buildings – August 2020

We are getting requests from schools and teachers to approve or deny the use of individual cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing products. As a reminder, the district cannot police every product and cannot be held responsible for any product that is not specifically provided by the district. We recognize that teachers and staff are purchasing and bringing to schools many different products. Please consider these products often contain alcohol or bleach, may cause skin irritation or injury, intoxication, illness, and may be flammable.

Please do the following when using these products:

  • Obtain non-toxic products if possible.
  • Keep hand sanitizer and cleaning products secured and away from unsupervised students.
  • Keep the SDS on file and readily available for proper handling, protective equipment advisory, first aid and other safety information.
  • Use these products only with staff supervision.
  • Be aware of allergies and sensitivities.

The building administration is responsible for any outside products introduced into the school environment. When approached by a staff member please ask them to seek out and find the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) online and submit that to the building custodian and administration for approval.

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