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Driver Education True Time Approval 2020-21

August 19, 2020

High School Principals
Assistant Principals Responsible for Driver Education

Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools

Driver Education True Time Approval

Beginning Monday, August 24, 2020, all Driver Education True Time submitted by instructors will be assigned to and approved by the Assistant Principal over Driver Education.

Steps for approving True Time:

  • Driver Education Instructors must complete student driving after contract hours (7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.), on Saturdays, and non-contract week days. There is no student driving allowed on Sunday. Also be mindful of instructors who might be on a seventh period authorization.
  • Instructors may drive before and/or after school and hours recorded should be no later than 9:00 p.m.
  • Each instructor records true time as allocated: 45 minutes per student for road drives and 2 hours for each range session. Recorded time must include names of students for both road and range in the note section. All vehicles should have three students in each vehicle during road driving unless a last minute cancellation occurs. Never drive with just one student.
  • True Time is approved by Assistant Principals (first approver) and sent to Cari Minnesota (second approver). Please refer to the attached True Time Deadlines for date submission.
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