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New Teacher Induction – Virtual Training

Dear Principals,

To comply with social distancing and be time efficient, the teacher induction training for 2020-21 will be virtual, through a New Teacher Induction video.

The purpose of the video is to welcome our new teachers to Jordan School District, introduce key personnel and department heads and provide contact information for essential resources.

The New Teacher Induction video will be available on August 10th and should be viewed by all new teachers by August 14th. The video presentation is at the principal’s discretion on date and time; however, we encourage new teachers be provided the opportunity to view the video with their assigned mentor.  For this purpose, please make sure each new teacher has been assigned a mentor by August 10th.

We also encourage all staff members to have an opportunity to view the video. You may want to include the video as part of your teacher training, or to be viewed by teams. The video lasts approximately 25 minutes.

Support in the first year of teaching is crucial in the success, retention and development of teachers.  Receiving support from administrators and colleagues, mentoring and supervision, targeted professional development, and recognition of professional growth is essential for effective teaching.

Ongoing induction training and support will be provided by the Teaching and Learning Department. More information is coming.


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