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Post Skyward Rollover Reminders – Elementary

All Administrative Assistants

Mike Heaps, Director of Information Systems
Jeri Gamble, Customer Support in Information Systems


Rollover and Pre-transfers

Rollover has been completed which means the new 2024-25 school year is now our “current” school year. Pre-transfers have been turned off, so marking a student inactive on the Entity tab or making changes to the School Path tab will not remove a student’s entry record at your school. See the 2024-25 No Show Guidelines to follow when you are notified a student will not be attending your school for the 2024-25 school year.

Please remember, when entering new students for the 2024-25 school year, use the entry date of 08/20/2024.

Family Access Tutorial in Spanish

Breaking News!  There is now a Spanish tutorial available on for lunch and student fee web payments. It can be found by navigating to Parents & Students, Family Access (Skyward), Lunch and Fee Payments.


 21 Fund Summary Budgetary Data Mining Report:  If you run the 21 Fund Summary report during July, the balances will not be correct until after Accounting has rolled June balances over to 2023-24 later this month.

Cash Receipts and Journal Entries:  Make sure you are selecting 2024-25 when you add cash receipts and journal entries. You will continue to see the option for 2023-24 until October, which is when we will close out the 2023-24 year. Please review your cash receipts and journal entries that are in batch or WIP status. If any cash receipts are in 2023-24, then please edit them and change the year to 2024-25. The fiscal year cannot be changed on journal entries, so you’ll need to delete the 2023-24 journal entries that are in batch, submitted or WIP status and re-enter them.

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