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Financial Deadlines June 27-July 5, 2024 / Skyward Rollover Info

Administrative Assistants

Jeri Gamble, Customer Support in Information Systems

Accounting Magicians: Please, for the love of all things numerical, **do not** enter any cash receipts, check requests, mileage, or electronic journal entries. The deadline was June 19. Yes, you read that right, JUNE 19. Everything should have been approved by June 20. Fear not, you can begin submitting your precious cash receipts, electronic journal entries, check requests, and mileage again on July 2, but make sure you select the year 2024-25. Time travel is tricky, folks.

We will be performing the grand year-end processes on Monday, July 1. On Friday, June 28, I'll be donning my janitor hat for some serious cleanup. Here’s how you can assist:

  • Check Requests: Make sure there are no check requests loitering around awaiting approval.
  • Cash Receipts: No current year cash receipts should be lounging in WIP or Batch status.
  • Journal Entries: Keep those current year journal entries out of Batch or Open status. Trust me, it’s for the greater good.

Pro Tip: It’s best to stay out of Skyward Finance on July 1. If you must enter, please don’t touch anything. Seriously, just look, don't touch. We don't need any rollover mishaps.

**Heads Up** The Skyward Student Rollover will occur on Tuesday, July 9. During this thrilling event, Skyward Student will be completely unavailable. It’s like it’s going on a digital vacation.

Our dear parents won’t be able to make any food service or student fee payments online from July 1 to July 9. The system needs some "me time" to complete the year-end processes and the rollover. Buckle up, everyone! It's going to be an exciting end-of-year ride!

Note: Chat GPT helped me spruce up this week’s email. 😊

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