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APEX Project Grant Opportunities for JSD Employees


June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources

The Advancing Pathways toward Equity and eXcellence with Educators of Multilingual Learners (APEX) Project is offered by the University of Utah and funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The APEX Project centers on advancing four professional development pathways including degree pathways that support educators of multilingual learners across varied professional roles. All pathways emphasize effective evidence-based practices for improving outcomes for multilingual learners. If you are interested, please see additional details below:

  • APEX Project Overview describes each of four professional development offerings. The implementation of each pathway is tailored to partner districts’ growing need for highly qualified educators of MLs and supported by district liaisons, year-long mentors/advisors, and local and national experts in ML-focused evidence-based instructional practices.
  • APEX Online, self-paced Intensive Training Series (ITS) is geared for support personnel (paraeducators, family advocates, after school coordinators, etc.). They earn 4-credit hours of upper-level undergraduate credit. The flyer includes a link to the application/registration form. Unlimited enrollment is available. This is NOT an ESL endorsement but is training that aligns with TESOL standards structured for those in supporting roles.
  • APEX Summer Institute – includes a 2-week hybrid (online, & 4 in-person days at U campus) focused on Creating a welcoming, inclusive, literacy-rich environment for Newcomers and their families. This is an advanced training for teachers who already have their ESL endorsement and want to freshen up their skills. This earns them 3 credit hours of graduate-level continuing education credit. The flyer includes a link to the application/registration form. Enrollment is limited to 100.

The ESL/MED pathway has 10-15 slots available for Jordan School District employees. Teachers who join the current cohort that begins June 3rd will be joining the Canyons District cohort, which means the limited number of in person meetings would be at the Canyons Administrative building. The good news is that the two summer courses are all fully online and the first in-person meetings would be August 1st & 2nd and the next course will be in October.

If you are interested, please see the links included in this announcement.


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