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P-Card Descriptions

May 16, 2024

All Administrators, Administrative Assistants, and P-card holders

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Dan Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits
Kurt Prusse, Director of Purchasing

P-Card Descriptions

The Board’s internal audit team recently completed an audit of our p-card system. As a result, there was a recommendation to provide better descriptions within the US Bank system to identify the purpose and content of transactions.

It is requested that descriptions include not only a brief description of the items, but also the purpose. For example, “makeup for dance team” or “custodial cleaning supplies”. As a reminder, these descriptions and any allocations must be made within the US Bank system by the 19th of each month, otherwise US Bank locks the system and will not allow for changes.

This will provide better detail when reviewing reports within Skyward and address the recommendation by the Boards internal audit team. Please provide a copy of this memo to all p-card holders you supervise so they are aware of this request. If you have questions or need assistance, please call Dan Ellis at (801) 567-8389.

Thank you.

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