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IMPORTANT Changes to Legislative Supply Funding for 2024-25

May 16, 2024

All Principals and Directors

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Important Changes to Legislative Supply Funding

The State Legislature recently approved HB105, which specifies that starting in the 2024-25 school year, only Classroom Teachers will receive legislative supply funds. In the June 29, 2023 JAM, we indicated many positions already did not qualify for legislative supply funds but that the District would provide one more year of $175 “legislative funds” for the 2023-24 school year. That list is below.

School Counselors were not included on the June 29, 2023 JAM list as they previously qualified, but under the new rules will not qualify in the future. In order to provide School Counselors a one-year notice, similar to the other positions, the District will provide School Counselors $175 “legislative funds” for one more year (2024-25). After the year 2024-25, School Counselors will not receive these funds.

We are asking principals to inform the licensed personnel below that, beginning in 2024-25, they will not receive legislative supply funds. In addition, we ask that School Counselors be informed of the change explained above.

If you have any questions about these changes, please contact Lisa LeStarge at ext. 88120.

Positions not receiving legislative funds starting 2024-25:
Clinical Support Specialist
District Home & Hospital Instructor
Instructional Coach
Library Media Specialist
Occupational Therapist
Physical Therapist
School Counselor – Intern
School Psychologist
School Psychologist – Intern
School Social Worker
Special Ed Itinerant Services
Speech Language Technician
Speech Therapist
Teacher Special Ed Associate


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