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Youth in Care (YIC) Enrollment

February 14, 2024

Assistant Principals
School Financial, Main, Attendance, and Counseling ESP’s

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Sharon Jensen, Student Support Services Consultant
Vickie Barker, YIC Teacher Specialist
Carolyn Curran, YIC Coordinator

Youth in Care (YIC) Enrollment Process

YIC students are those that are, in some manner, considered to be in State Custody (Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS), Juvenile Justice and Youth Services (JJYS), or Department of Health and Human Services (DSPD) and include students in foster care.

YIC students should not be enrolled at the school until cleared and authorized by the YIC Coordinator in Student Services. Prior to enrollment schools will be contacted and receive the YIC student’s Intake Forms after they have been processed by the YIC Coordinator in Student Services. Intake forms are found on the Student Support Services website here. When YIC enrollment is sought at the school without prior notification from the YIC Coordinator, the school should inform them that they cannot be enrolled at this time and provide them the contact information below to obtain the clearance to enroll.

DCSF, JJYS, DSPD, or foster care guardians should be referred to Carolyn Curran, the YIC Coordinator in Student Services at 801.567.8328 or if prior authorization has not been received by the school.

Should you have any questions or require any help or clarification please contact one of the following:

Carolyn Curran, YIC Coordinator

Vickie Barker, YIC Teacher Specialist

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