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School Usage/Capacity Update Visits

In preparation for upcoming presentations to the Board and making projections for future school years, Planning & Enrollment needs to update records of how rooms are being used at school sites. This is not a formal walkthrough and room-by-room count; this is a verification of how rooms are being used during the current school year. The update will require a brief (10-15 minutes) visit with a principal, assistant principal, or administrative assistant who can answer questions about how rooms are being used. Given the short turnaround time for this project, we will be unable to schedule appointments with schools and ask for your cooperation and time as we make these visits over the next few weeks.

Moving forward, we anticipate a similar verification visit with each school in late summer or early fall each year, with a formal walkthrough and room count occurring every 2-3 years.

If there is a significant conflict in the next few weeks or if you have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to Planning & Enrollment:

• Scott Festin, x88370
• Caleb Olson, x88251

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