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USBE Drop Out Reporting/USBE Prevention and Recovery Survey

September 19, 2023

All Secondary Principals

Mike Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Steven Harwood, Information Systems Support Services & Programming Mgr.
Stacee Worthen, Counselor Consultant

USBE Drop Out Reporting
USBE Prevention and Recovery Survey

USBE Drop Out Reporting

USBE Drop Out Reporting is conducted by registrars at the middle and high school levels. During the course of the school year, registrars clean the Drop Out Report as they note student transfers and withdrawals. Registrars document notes within the report to indicate prospective receiving schools, 10-day drops, SSID errors, as well as transfers to GED programs and Adult High School. Upon the completion of the school year, registrars continue to clean and vet the report for accuracy. Registrars submit the final draft report for their school to Stacee Worthen, Brooke Anderson, and Steven Harwood. Steven prepares the data to be submitted to the USBE. Brooke reviews the information for data accuracy and Stacee Worthen uses the data and documentation notes within the draft reports to complete the USBE Prevention and Drop Out Recovery Survey.

USBE Prevention and Drop Out Recovery Survey

This survey is generated by the USBE Student Support and Prevention Specialist as required by Utah State Code 53G-9-802. CRK uses the draft reporting data and compares results with the SLO Reports generated by school guidance counselors, which track students with deficient credits progressively through each academic quarter (Grades 9-12). In preparing the survey responses, student comparisons are made between Quarter 1 - graduation, as well as graduation through the summer academic session prior to the beginning of the next school year. Stacee Worthen also collects intervention data for the survey, with each high school reporting intervention programs available to students at the school and the associated program costs.


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