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Digital Teacher Leaders in 23-24′

23-24’ Digital Teacher Leader (DTL) Program

To support the implementation of digital and personalized learning in Jordan School District, the Digital Teaching & Learning Team is continuing the Digital Teacher Leader (DTL) Program. The DTL program begins with each school designating one person as their school Digital or Instructional Coach. Our program is designed to build the capacity of the coach in order to provide support in the implementation of classroom personalized and digital learning.

Responsibilities of the Digital or Instructional Coach:

  • Meet monthly with your Digital Learning Specialist, from the district Digital Teaching & Learning team, to coordinate, collaborate, and implement a blended learning plan for your school.
  • Attend a regularly scheduled after-school training on digital tools & blended learning. Training is typically held online in Zoom on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
  • Hold a (20-30 min) monthly meeting at the school to highlight the use and implementation of digital tools in the classroom. Work with school administrators on a regular basis. Help administrators to complete a technology plan for the school. This is part of the Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning Academy (LPDL).
  • Collaborate with teachers to use digital tools and personalized learning.
  • Serve as a member of the school Technology Team.

Digital and Instructional Coaches should work towards the following attributes:

  • Knowledge of digital and personalized learning theory.
  • Earn and apply ideas from the Coaching Endorsement and EdTech Endorsement (EdTech can be started after the coaching endorsement is completed).
  • Seamlessly incorporates digital tools in instruction.
  • Willing to coach, motivate and guide other teachers to use technology in instruction.

It is expected that the digital teacher leader will spend two to four hours per week completing the above responsibilities through digital, blended and face-to-face methods.

As reported in TSSA requirements: Teaching & Learning will provide 1/8th or 1/7th the cost (.125 FTE) for an Instructional Coach to support Tier 1 instructional uses of digital learning in respective high or middle schools. This FTE may only be used in the distribution of the regular contract and is not eligible for 7th-period authorization use.

The .125 FTE will be in place of the current digital teacher leader program. Schools may fund additional digital teacher leaders.

Any questions can be directed to Jared Covili 801-567-8191.

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