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IEP/Medicaid/504 Software Training for Special Education Staff and Related Service Providers

We have been approved to move over to a new IEP platform. We will be moving from Goalview/EdPlan to Embrace. Embrace is a program that has multiple programs under one. We will use the system as our IEP system, Medicaid system and 504 system.

Goalview will be decommissioned and no longer operate as of June 30, 2023. Embrace will be in place as our system for documenting and maintaining compliance for IEPs, Medicaid, and 504s. We will begin the migration of data over the summer and provide training during the Special Education Summer Conference.

Training for School Psychologists, Counselors, and Clinical Staff on the 504 components of Embrace will be conducted at another time.

You are strongly encouraged to attend the Embrace training in person on August 8th.

We will also have administrative sessions to highlight what administrators will want to know about Embrace on August 8th as well. We are excited about the new system and the opportunities moving forward.

If you have questions, please contact your Teacher Specialist.


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