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Updated Extended Year Stipend Days for Special Educators 2022-23

May 16, 2023

Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School Age)
Speech-Language Pathologists

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Updated Extended Year for Special Educator Stipend Days 2022-23

A specific group of special educators were allowed to work up to 5.5 additional days following the last contract day for the 2022-23 school year. Eligible staff that have days left to work, and did not work all of their allotted days in the fall, are required to complete a survey to be paid for those days.

After you have completed working the days, simply click on the link in the attached memo to start the survey. This link will open on June 6, 2023 and will remain open until July 15, 2023.

Please remember you cannot enter the days you already worked and were paid for in the fall. Submitted days must be worked June 6-9th, 12-16th, or 20th and must be worked in your assigned building(s).

It is important to remember: When asked for the approver for your submission do not put your principal or LEA. Please enter so that the submission can be approved through the Special Education office and be sent to the State Office for payment. If you list your building supervisor as the approver, your request will not be submitted for payment.

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