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Safety Share – Report Emergency Drills, Actual events, or Meetings

As we approach the end of the 2022-23 school year, it is important to make sure your location has reported all drills, actual emergencies, and related planning and debrief meetings for this school year using the Google Form, link: 2022-23 REPORT EMERGENCY - DRILLS, ACTUAL EVENTS, or MEETINGSPlease include all related details.  

The Board of Education has asked to receive quarterly reports on all drills and actual emergencies throughout the district.  Information submitted using the report form will be used for this purpose. 

For help or questions, contact Facility Operations at Auxiliary Services:
Judy Bird, Administrative Assistant: 801-567-8625,
Teresa Lyon, Administrative Assistant: 801-567-8626,
Jeff Beesley, Risk Management Coordinator: 801-567-8876,
Lance Everill, Emergency Operations Manager: 801-567-8623,

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