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March 2023 Literacy Matters Newsletter

The Literacy Matters Newsletter has the latest literary updates. Be sure to read this edition to stay connected with literacy. This newsletter includes:

  • 2023 Updated District ELA Daily Time Allotments - Check out the updated English Language Arts Daily Time Allotments for each grade level. The total ELA time has not changed, but we've clarified our recommendations for how much time should be spent on specific ELA areas of instruction. Find them on our website under Standards - K-6 Information or on specific grade level pages.
  • Fluency Routine - Blast Decodable Passage 5-Day Routine - We've created a 5-day fluency routine for first graders! There are detailed lesson plans for each Blast decodable passage. Available on our Elementary Literacy website under programs - Really Great Reading - Blast Fluency Routine. Lesson plans coming soon for 2nd grade HD Word decodable texts too.
  • Oral Reading Fluency Development Plan - For any grade level and any kind of text, try this easy Fluency Development Lesson (FDL) from Timothy Rasinski.

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