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Tableau Viewer Accounts for Secondary Lead Counselors

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Middle School Administrators
High School Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Stacee Worthen, Secondary Counseling Consultant

Tableau Viewer Accounts for Secondary Lead Counselors

As Evaluation, Research & Accountability and Student Services continue to make data more accessible to educators, we are excited to announce that Tableau Viewer accounts will be given to all secondary lead counselors in middle and high schools.

Secondary lead counselors will have access to the same data that school administrators see.  The only exception will be teacher level data for the Stakeholder Input Survey that only school principals can see.

Lead counselors should have already received an email from Tableau Online letting them know that their account is now active.  They can access the login page using the link below.  As with all Tableau logins, they will need to enter their district email address.  Then it should redirect them to a Google sign-in page where they will re-enter their district email address and then their password.

Click here for the Tableau login page

A Tableau training has been offered to all lead counselors as part of their monthly meeting with district Counseling staff in January.  The training covered the following topics:

  • How to navigate Tableau
  • How to filter data to see demographic performance
  • How to leverage Tableau to complete data projects, track supports and programs, and identify trends and patterns relevant to their roles as counselors

In addition, lead counselors will continue to provide input on what other types of dashboards would be most helpful to them in their role as lead counselors.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions about Tableau accounts.

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