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Get What You Need: CSTAG Resources and Information

October 6, 2022

All School Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Comprehensive Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) Practices and Resources

JSD schools are increasingly becoming fully trained in Comprehensive Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG). The following information will assist you in accessing and storing the documentation, upcoming training opportunities, and suggestions for creating threat assessment teams in your schools.

How to access forms

  • There are several CSTAG forms that can assist with determining what kind of threat and how to respond to a threat. There is a Microsoft Word option as well as a fillable PDF option.
  • A copy of these forms can be found in your schools CSTAG google drive. You can make a copy of the fillable forms and then same them after you edit them for each threat assessment. You can also use the copy of the word documents to edit them to best fit your school’s needs.
  • Forms can also be found on the Student Services website.

Where to store documentation of your school’s threat assessments

  • Every administrator has been given “content manager” access to a CSTAG shared drive for their school. This means that you can create additional folders (within the drive), copy and save documents, scan and upload documents, add users from your threat assessment teams, and change the name of the folder.
  • This drive is a common place for all schools to store documentation for completed threat assessments and assist in accountability and liability of investigating threats.
  • If you are struggling to find your shared drive in google, please reach out to Angie Rasmussen.

Upcoming trainings for CSTAG Level 2

  • For those completing CSTAG level 1 or have other school personnel you are adding to your threat assessment teams, there will be additional level 2 CSTAG training opportunities in the upcoming months.
  • There will be more information about these training sessions as the dates get solidified. Ideally there will be a training offered in January and March, and then again in July.
  • To sign up for CSTAG level 2 training on November 4th go to JPLS.

Creating Threat Assessment teams in your schools

  • If you are interested in having other faculty members at your school complete the CSTAG training, please send an email with their first name, last name and district email address to Angie Rasmussen.
  • Each participant costs the school $85. Once an email is received, the training will be set up by Student Services who will reach out to your school for reimbursement. The participant will then receive instructions via Navigate 360 on how to begin the online training.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Angie Rasmussen.

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