Due to the USDA free meals waiver coming to an end and the many new administrators in Jordan, we would like to highlight the District Approved Procedural Due Process for Meal Deficit Collection. With students returning to a regular free, reduced, and paid price structure, schools are addressing the need to look at student deficits.
The deficit procedures are also available on the Nutrition Services website.
District Approved Procedural Due Process for Meal Deficit Collection
– Revised 05/4/2022
No Student will be denied a lunch.
A student may be served an alternative meal only if the principal has approved the use of Alternative Meals at their site.
Students will not be asked to call home regarding negative lunch balances, these calls will be made by clerks or by the principal.
1) Clerk may ask student with low or negative account balance “did you bring lunch money today”?
2) Skyward will automatically send out low account balance email notices starting at positive $5.00. Parents can opt out of this email via Family Access using their parent login and password.
3) As a daily schedule task, Skyward will automatically send out negative account balance email notices starting at negative $.50 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Parents can not opt out of this email
4) Clerk will send out hard copy of negative balance notices starting at negative $.50 at least once per week if parent does not have an email address.
5) Clerk will communicate with teachers checking that lunch money is not being left in classrooms.
6) The clerk will call parent when student account balance is in the negative of $8.75 and make parent aware that they have the option of completing a free/reduced meal application. Clerk will document all attempts to contact a parent.
7) Clerk will document collection steps completed and give documentation to the site administrator in support of continued collection efforts.
8) Site administrator will call or send a letter (or both) to parent with account balance on or before a deficit balance of -$20.00. At this point (-$20.00) students will be served an alternative meal until negative balance is paid. Alternate meal will include a sun-butter or grilled cheese sandwich, fruit, vegetable, and milk at a cost of .40 cents for reduced eligible and .75 cents for paid eligible students.
9) Site administrator will address further collection efforts with their respective administrator of schools.
10) Any uncollectible deficit lunch account balance will become the responsibility of the school and paid by the principal at the time of student transfers within the district or at the end of each school year for closed student accounts and student accounts who are graduating or moving up to another school (i.e. 6th to 7th, 9th to 10th and seniors). Principals may use any collection agency of their choosing.
If an administrator requires assistance to address individual student concerns affecting lunch account balances, including homelessness or a need for a translator, contact Malinda Jensen with Equity & Compliance at 801-567-8325.
District Approved Procedural Due Process for Meal Deficit Collection
– Revised 05/04/2022
No student lunch will be denied.
A student may be served an alternative meal only if the principal has approved the use of Alternative Meals at their site.
No à la carte items will be debited (cashiers will offer students who try to debit à la carte items a reimbursable lunch).
Students will not be asked to call home regarding negative lunch balances, these calls will be made by clerks or by the principal.
1) Cashier will begin notifying student at point of service when account balance is at $5.00.
2) Skyward will automatically send out low account balance email notices starting at positive $5.00. Parents can opt out of this email via Family Access using their parent login and password.
3) As a daily schedule task, Skyward will automatically send out negative account balance email notices starting at negative $.50 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Parents cannot opt out of this email.
4) Cashiers will document and inform the clerk when students charge a meal.
5) The clerk will call parent when student account balance is in the negative of $10.00 and make parent aware that they have the option of completing a free/reduced meal application. Clerk will document all attempts to contact a parent.
6) Clerk will document collection steps completed and give documentation to the site administrator in support of continued collection efforts.
7) Site administrator will call or send a letter (or both) to parent with account balance on or before a deficit balance of -$20.00. At this point (-$20.00) students will be served an alternative meal until negative balance is paid. Alternate meal will include a yogurt, cheese stick, fruit, vegetable, roll and milk at a cost of .40 cents for reduced eligible and .75 cents for paid eligible students.
8) Site administrator will address further collection efforts with their respective administrator of schools.
9) Any uncollectible deficit lunch account balance will become the responsibility of the school and paid by the principal at the time of student transfers within the district or at the end of each school year for closed student accounts and student accounts who are graduating or moving up to another school (i.e. 6th to 7th, 9th to 10th and seniors). Principals may use any collection agency of their choosing.
If an administrator requires assistance to address individual student concerns affecting lunch account balances, including homelessness or a need for a translator, contact Malinda Jensen with Equity & Compliance at 801-567-8325.