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Complimentary UCET Registration

Attend the UCET Conference along with your fellow leaders and coaches!

Prior to the holiday break, you should have received an email with registration information for the UCET Conference. For those who don’t know about the UCET Conference, this is the annual, state-wide educational technology conference for teachers, coaches, and administrators. This fantastic conference is a wonderful opportunity to improve the digital learning in your schools!

Digital Teaching and Learning (DTL) wants to ensure that one administrator, from each school, has the opportunity to attend the conference this March 15th and 16th, so we provided you with a complimentary registration. To complete the registration please follow the instructions from the Eventbrite email sent on Dec. 14th. The registration is currently in the principal's name, but if he/she is unable to attend, it may be transferred to another admin or educator in your building.

In addition to an administrator registration, DTL also provided a complimentary registration for each digital coach in the district. For those in secondary, this also includes the required substitute for the days of the conference. Please use code 5655 for the sub code. We are excited to have a huge presence at this year’s UCET Conference and can’t wait to strengthen the technology skills of our fantastic coaches!

Please contact Jared Covili, Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant, with any questions

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