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Acadience Math Dashboards Available in Tableau – December 2021

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Elementary School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Acadience Math Dashboards Available in Tableau

Acadience Math dashboards are now available in your Tableau Viewer accounts.

You can access the Acadience Math dashboards here or through your Tableau Explore menu:

Explore > Acadience Math & Early Numeracy

The dashboards contain both district and school level composite and measure data. In addition, you'll find individual student scores organized by grade level and teacher. To aid you in your data analysis, I have attached a summary of benchmark goals and cut scores similar to what you are already accustomed to with Acadience Reading.

Evaluation, Research & Accountability will disseminate student scores directly to teachers since Acadience Data Management (ADM) is still broken.

Originally, USBE was going to transition schools to Acadience Learning Online, but that transition has been delayed until next year. Once Acadience Data Management is fixed, we will disseminate login credentials to school administrators and educators. We don’t have a timeline for this fix as there are a number of issues, but USBE and Acadience Learning are working on it.

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