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High School Tableau Dashboard Releases

Thursday, November 18, 2021

High School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Tableau Dashboard Releases

The following dashboards have been released for high school administrators:

Graduation and Dropout Rates:
School administrators may view graduation and dropout rates from 2012 to the Class of 2021 by student demographic for the district and individual high schools.

Utah Aspire Plus:
School administrators may view the following data for both the district and individual schools by student demographic for both the 2019 and 2021 test administrations:

  • Proficiency and scale scores for English, Reading, Math and Science subtests
  • Predicted ACT scores for English, Reading, Math and Science subtests
  • Reporting category scores for English, Reading, Math and Science subtests
  • Student participation
  • Individual student data

Opportunity to Learn Survey:
As part of end-of-year summative testing, students who took the RISE math test or the Utah Aspire Plus science test. The survey asked several questions around the context of the type of learning environment students had access to throughout the school year (online, hybrid, in-person), the learning support they had access to at home as well as at school, and the access they had to educational technology and resources. The purpose of this survey was to provide some additional context around 2020-21 summative assessment results anticipating that learning would be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. School administrators may view this student perception data by student demographic for the district and individual schools.

WIDA Access Growth Targets:
WIDA Access results and proficiency were released earlier this summer. Information on WIDA growth targets has now been added for both the district and individual schools. As part of the state’s school accountability system, schools receive points towards a school grade for EL students who:

  • Reach proficiency on the WIDA Access
  • Meet their WIDA growth target

School administrators may view data for both school report card indicators in this dashboard for each student demographic.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability for any questions about these dashboards or for access to your Tableau account.

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