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2021 Fall School LAND Trust Timeline and Deadlines – October 1, 2021

Principals: Please take note of the new deadline of October 1, 2021 to have all required items on your school website. Other due dates for the 2021-22 school year are also listed.

FAQ - Answers from the State LAND Trust Office

  1. The prior and current School LAND Trust reports, current and prior council members, along with the school’s funding for five years are available when you go to the login page. Choose Public Reports on the right column before you login. Choosing School Plan will produce a Final Report if one has been submitted.
  2. Current School Plans may now be amended online, as needed. You will see a link at the top and side menu on the school page when you are logged in.
  3. You may want to wait until September 23rdto enter the Council Membership and Principal Assurance. We have encountered a bug in the system that should be resolved by then. (The principal assurance is still not working. Please complete the council membership for right now.)
  4. Parent_Licensed on Council Membership Form under Parent Type. This indicates a parent in your school, on your School Community Council, that is employed at a different school within the District. When employed at a different school they can count as a parent on your SCC.

October 1 (Prior due date was October 20)

Required school website postings
For detail see links to the Timeline and Requirements for School Websites. (Hard copy attached below)
Link to Timeline and Requirements for School Websites

Note:  Website compliance review (by the State) will be conducted beginning October 4, 2021.

Online Council Membership Form that now includes an Assurance Statement by the principal. You only need to add in your council members. You don't send the form to them. That happens in the spring. Then sign for the principal assurance and this part is done.

February 11, 2022 - Online 2020-21 Final Report Due

Date for online Final Report on 2020-2021 School Plan Implementation
Available on the State website January 15, 2022. School LAND Trust Final Report for 2020-21 must be completed by February 11, 2022.

March 25, 2022 - School LAND Trust and TSSA Plan for 2022-23 Due

Date for Upcoming School Plan 2022-2023 and Completed Council Signature Form - due online by March 25, 2022.
Available to submit when Final Report review is complete.


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