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2021 Sorenson Legacy Awards for Excellence in Arts Education

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 nomination and application cycle for the Sorenson Legacy Awards for Excellence in Arts Education is now open. We would like to enlist your help to increase awareness of this prestigious award to those in your area before our April 2, 2021 nomination deadline.

Philanthropist Beverley Taylor Sorenson worked tirelessly to promote the arts as an avenue for Utah’s students to develop voice, sustain engagement in school, and evoke reflection and response. Through support from the Sorenson Legacy Foundation, Art Works for Kids, and the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), the Sorenson Legacy Awards for Excellence in Arts Education recognize the essential nature of education in the arts for Utah’s students, distinguish those educators who embrace the arts with excellence in their practice, and ensure that Beverley's legacy will continue on.

Following are several ways you can help us spread the word:

  • Nominate an arts teacher within your district.
  • Post the attached award announcement in your faculty lounge or other communal areas.
  • Include information about the Sorenson Legacy Awards on your district or school website.
  • Share information about the awards at faculty or community meetings.

Administrators, teachers, parents, students, and other community members are all welcome to submit a nomination. Nominees must be licensed and endorsed public school educators. We also encourage re-nomination  of those who may have been previously nominated but not selected. Individuals are not allowed to nominate themselves.

Complete information and a link to the nomination form can be found on the Utah State Board of Education website at:

Questions? Contact Cathy Jensen, Utah State Board of Education | 801-538-7793

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