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Elementary STEM PLC for 2021-22

We are preparing for the second year of our Elementary STEM PLC. This program supports elementary STEM rotations by training teachers/instructional assistants to use the tech tools from the JSD STEM Library. This PLC focuses on the T in STEM and provides both training and technology throughout the school year. This program will not provide a full-year of activities, but we will discuss several online tools that can be used at any time and add your school to a rotation to use a variety of tech tools during the year.

During 2020-2021, 13 elementary schools participated in this program. We will be extending this to an additional 13-14 schools in 2021-2022. The feedback so far has been positive, and I am happy to connect you with participating schools if you would like to ask questions.

All costs for tech tools and training are covered by a grant from the STEM Action Center. Participants will spend hours outside their regular school contract/hourly commitment, but they will be paid through the grant.

What does your school need to participate?
A scheduled school-wide STEM Rotation that serves the majority of your students
A commitment to using the tech tools when they arrive at your school
A teacher or instructional assistant who can commit to additional hours outside regular contract time

We will meet a few days in August for hands-on training with the tech tools, the plan is to complete this prior to the start of STEM rotations. We will also meet once or twice a month during the school year to share resources, develop lesson plans, and identify best practices.

If your school is interested in participating, please complete this Google Form. I will add schools as I receive the form responses. The grant is a three-year commitment. If your school does not participate in 2021-2022, you will be invited to participate in 2022-2023.

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