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Additional Computers Available Through the Loaner Chromebook Program

The Loaner Chromebook Program has received additional computers that are now available for loan to schools. To help ensure that all resources are used, loan requirements are being adjusted. If you are in need of Chromebook loans while waiting for an existing order to be fulfilled, or for any other reason, please contact Mark Sowa. Keep in mind, these will still be loaner machines that will need to be returned in due time.

Similarly, because the Loaner Kajeet Program has many devices still available, loan requirements have been adjusted. If a student has Internet access concerns (such as slow Internet, or too many people in the home trying to share limited bandwidth, or even student travel that would necessitate mobile Internet access), these could be solved with an additional point of Internet access. If you believe any of your students could benefit from having  Kajeet devices at no cost to the school or students, please contact Mark Sowa to make arrangements for a loan.

Mark can be reached at, or at 801-567-8392.

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