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Kajeet Mobile Hotspots Available for Loan to Students in Need

To better provide access to all students for participation in online learning, the District has acquired mobile hotspots to loan out to schools who have students with inadequate Internet access at home. These hotspots are from a company called Kajeet, and they provide access to CIPA compliant filtered Internet service specifically for educational use. Each device comes with unlimited data, and can accommodate up to three simultaneous users. The devices and Internet service are being paid for through a grant, so there is no up-front charge to the student or school.

The term of the device loans from the district is variable, with the potential to extend up to the end of the school year. By accepting the loan, Schools agree to be responsible for the devices, and then use their own methods of distribution and tracking to loan them out to students in need. Sample checkout agreements for schools to customize and use with parents and students are available, as well as device usage instructions, and will be provided upon execution of the initial loan from the district. As per the terms of the district loan agreement, the devices are expected to be returned to the district on the agreed upon date in good working condition, otherwise the school will incur the costs of repair or replacement. Depending on demand, loans may be subject to recall at any time in order to accommodate situations of greater need.

To qualify for participation in this program, interested schools will need to designate a local Kajeet administrator to manage checkout and support of the devices. This should not be your building computer technician. Many schools have found success with their Media Coordinator designated as this person. The name and contact information for this person will be required on the loan agreement.

If you have interest in this program, please call Mark Sowa at 801-567-8392 (x88392).

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