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2020 WIDA Screeners

Thursday, August 27, 2020

All Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2020 WIDA Screeners

Whenever parents indicate that another language besides English is spoken in the household and the student(s) is new to the district, Evaluation, Research & Accountability is required by the federal government to administer a WIDA screener to see if the student qualifies for second language services. The WIDA screener is administered to students learning in-person and online.

Schools are asked to set aside a testing location in which district testers may administer the screener. Typically, a space the size of a conference room will suffice.

The district testers will be contacting schools individually to set up a date, time and testing location within the school building so that they can administer the WIDA screener. Depending on when students register and we receive the documentation, district testers may come to your school multiple times throughout the school year.

Evaluation, Research & Accountability will also contact parents of online students to set an appointment at the school so that they student may be screened.

Please see the document entitled WIDA Screener Testing Protocols and Procedures for COVID-19 that accompanies this memo for information regarding the cleaning and disinfecting routines district testers will be using.

Please contact JoLynn Snelgrove at 801-567-8419 or with any questions.

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