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Driver Education – 27-30 Hours of Required Classroom Instruction 2020-21

August 18, 2020

High School Principals

Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools

Driver Education – 27-30 Hours of Required Classroom Instruction

The current rule for Driver Education classroom instruction hours, Utah Administrative Code R277-746, allows for flexibility in delivery but not time as stated below:

  • Classroom Minimum Times – 
    • A course of classroom instruction, face-to-face, SHALL include a program of NOT LESS than USBE approved, 27 clock-hours of instruction by a qualified driver education instructor. 
    • Instruction provided through an online service SHALL include NOT LESS than USBE approved, 30 clock-hours and facilitated by a qualified driver education instructor.
    • It is possible to design a hybrid classroom using a combination of face-to-face instruction mixed with online instruction. This type of classroom instruction SHALL include NOT LESS than 30 clock-hours of instruction. 

All classroom experiences in driver education SHALL take place under the supervision of a certified teacher who has met the driver education qualifications prescribed by the State Board of Education.

First Quarter is scheduled for 16 A Days (24 hours of instruction) and 15 B Days (22.5 hours of instruction). There are seven Fridays available to complete the required hours (30 online or hybrid) needed for student classroom instruction. The method by which we deliver the information is up to the teacher.

“As a reminder, students cannot be required to attend in person on Friday.” (i.e., You can teach an in-person lesson for those who would like to come in-person and allow others to either log-in virtually or watch a recorded lesson on their own through Canvas).

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